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Unclear on whether that meant she couldn’t tell him that she’s in love with him without triggering his death, Nancy pushed Ace away before they could even have a romance. See, Temperance told Nancy that if she kills her, she’ll release a curse that prevents her from being able to have a relationship with the man she loves lest he die. Our heroine was able to prevent both of their deaths but it came at a cost to her, at least in regards to Ace’s life. To refresh your memory, Nancy and the gang are fresh off of a battle with Temperance that nearly claimed both Ryan and Ace’s lives. Nancy Drew season 4 is finally coming to The CW in May! The live-action adaptation of the beloved titular character’s story has been a fan favorite for those who love a good sleuthy, supernatural drama to tune into and this one is in the throws of a tragic love story as well.

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